
//著者名は2人までならば全員、3人以上の場合は「筆頭著者名, '''et al.'''」

-[[特別セミナー>#d681b61e]] [[[2012>#zd264452]], [[2009>#v2530ecc]], [[2008>#u07094c7]], [[2007>#db064d7f]]]

-[[論文セミナー>#o4b39227]] [[[2013>#q282ba8f]], [[2012>#kf9e8447]], [[2011>#sd2c5616]], [[2010>#d37ccc28]], [[2009>#s91bdce5]], [[2008>#d9e5b5af]], [[2007>#ja6d4176]]]

-[[テキスト輪講>#y5bbccfe]] [[[2013>#zc1169e5]], [[2012>#eabf1ac2]], [[2008>#l7e99d2a]]]


* 特別セミナー [#d681b61e]
** 2012年 [#zd264452]

*** 4月4日(水)16:00~ 小川 賢 博士(セイコーエプソン株式会社) [#c74890e0]
> ''「電気泳動粒子の帯電制御」''

** 2009年 [#v2530ecc]

*** 10月14日(水)16:00~ 宮前 孝行  博士(産業技術総合研究所) [#m4cee306]

** 2008年 [#u07094c7]

*** 2月22日(木)15時~ Prof. Wolfgang Bruetting (Universitaet Augsburg) [#g1638cfa]

** 2007年 [#db064d7f]

*** 12月13日(木)13時~15時  森井 克行 博士 (九州大学) [#v733658a]

* 論文セミナー [#o4b39227]

** 2013年 [#q282ba8f]

*** 8月7日(水)18:00~ 担当:浦上 裕希 [#j31202bc]
> ''Charge carrier's trapping states in pentacene films studied by modulated photocurrent''
>S. Gorgolis, et al.; '''Journal of Applied Physics''' %%%113%%% 123102 (2013)

*** 7月18日(水)16:30~ 担当:宮内 拓也 [#j31202bc]
> ''Uniform and refreshable liquid electroluminescent device with a back side reservoir''
>Chang-Hoon Shim, et al.; '''Applied Physics Letters''' %%%101%%% 113302 (2012)

*** 7月16日(火)18:00~ 担当:佐藤 友哉 [#j31202bc]
> ''Contact De-electrification of Electrostatistically Charged Polymers''
>Siowling Soh, et al.; '''Journal of the American Chemical Society''' %%%134%%% 20151-20159 (2012)

*** 7月8日(月)18:30~ 担当:田村 駿光 [#j31202bc]
> ''Decay process of a large surface potential of Alq3 films by heating''
>Norifumi Kajimoto, et al.; '''Journal of Applied Physics''' %%%100%%% 053707 (2006)

*** 7月3日(水)16:30~ 担当:大澤 佑介 [#j31202bc]
> ''Impact of electrode contamination on the α-NPD/Au hole injection barrier''
>A. Wan, et al.; '''Organic Electronics''' %%%6%%% 47-54 (2005)

*** 7月1日(月)18:30~ 担当:イム ヒョンス [#j31202bc]
> ''Probing interfacial charge accumulation in ITO/α-NPD/Alq3/Al diodes under two electroluminescence operational modes by electric-field induced optical second-harmonic generation''
>Atsuo Sadakata, et al.; '''Journal of Applied Physics''' %%%112%%% 083723 (2012)

*** 6月26日(水)16:30~ 担当:中光 栄仁 [#j31202bc]
> ''Small-molecule organic solar cells with improved stability''
>Q.L. Song, et al.; '''Chemical Physics Letters''' %%%416%%% 42-46 (2005)

*** 6月24日(月)18:30~ 担当:米山 敦志 [#j31202bc]
> ''Energy level alignment at the interfaces in a multilayer organic light-emitting diode structure''
>S. Olthof, et al.; '''Physical Review B''' %%%79%%% 245308 (2009)

*** 6月17日(月)18:30~ 担当:土手 宏樹 [#j31202bc]
> ''Wedging Transfer of Nanostructures''
>Gregory F. Schneider, et al.; '''Nano Letters''' %%%10%%% 1912-1916 (2010)

*** 6月12日(水)16:30~ 担当:武田 祐希 [#j31202bc]
> ''Photoabsorption and Photoelectron-yield Spectra of Polypeptides in the Vacuum-uv Region''
>S. Iwanami and N. Oda; '''Radiation Research''' %%%95%%% 24-31 (1983)

*** 6月10日(月)18:30~ 担当:高木 健行 [#j31202bc]
> ''Planar and textured heterojunction organic photovoltaics based on chloroindium phthalocyanine (ClInPc) versus titanyl phthalocyanine (TiOPc) donor layers''
>Weining Wang, et al.; '''Organic Electronics''' %%%12%%% 383-393 (2011)

*** 6月5日(水)16:30~ 担当:Luong Duy Xuan [#j31202bc]
> ''External Quantum Efficiency Above 100% in a Singlet-Exciton-Fission-Based Organic Photovoltaic Cell''
>Daniel N. Congreve, et al.; '''Science''' %%%340%%% 334 (2013)

*** 6月3日(月)18:30~ 担当:石野 竜太 [#j31202bc]
> ''Transient electroluminescence in heavy metal complex-based phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes''
>V.K. Chandra, B.P. Chandra; '''Organic Electronics''' %%%13%%% 329-334 (2012)

*** 5月29日(水)16:30~ 担当:山本 紘平 [#j31202bc]
> ''Revealing Buried Interfaces to Understand the Origins of Threshold Voltage Shifts in Organic Field-Effect Transistors''
>Simon G.J. Mathijssen, et al.; '''Material Views''' %%%22%%% 5105-5109 (2010)

*** 5月22日(水)16:30~ 担当:山本 真人 [#j31202bc]
> ''Gate-Tunable Large Negative Tunnel Magnetoresistance in Ni-C60-Ni Single Molecule Transistors''
>Kenji Yoshida, et al.; '''Nano Letters''' %%%13%%% 481-485 (2013)

*** 5月15日(水)16:30~ 担当:金城 拓海 [#j31202bc]
> ''Optically Induced Inter- and Intrafacial Electron Transfer Probed by Two-Photon Photoemission: Electronic States of Sexithiophene on Au(111)''
>Erwan Varene, et al.; '''J. Phys. Chem. Lett.''' %%%2%%% 252-256 (2011)

*** 5月8日(水)16:30~ 担当:山本 真之 [#j31202bc]
> ''Strong Pressure Effect in the Sublimation from Tetracene Single Crystals and Development of Surface Cleaning Technique for Organic Semiconductors''
>Manabu Ohtomo, et al.; '''Applied Physics Express''' %%%4%%% 021601 (2011)

*** 5月1日(水)16:30~ 担当:野勢 大輔 [#j31202bc]
> ''Mechanically controlled molecular orbital alignment in single molecule junctions''
>Christopher Bruot, et al.; '''Nature Nanotechnology''' %%%7%%% 212 (2011)

*** 4月24日(水)16:30~ 担当:小田 恵右 [#j31202bc]
> ''Charge carrier mobility and lifetime versus composition of conjugated polymer/fullerene bulk-heterojunction solar cells''
>G. Dennler, et al.; '''Organic Electronics''' %%%7%%% 229-234 (2006)

*** 4月17日(水)16:30~ 担当:古保 真教 [#j31202bc]
> ''A single-electron transistor made from a cadminium selenide nanocrystal''
>David L. Klein, et al.; '''Nature''' %%%389%%% 699 (1997)

** 2012年 [#kf9e8447]

*** 12月5日(水)16:30~ 担当:古保 真教 [#tc34766d]
> ''Single-Photon Emission Behavior of Isolated CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots Interacting with the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Silver Nanoparticles''
>Hiroyuki Naiki, et al.; '''J. Phys. Chem. C''' %%%115%%% 23299 (2011)

*** 11月28日(水)16:30~ 担当:野勢 大輔 [#tc34766d]
> ''Measurement and Statistical Analysis of Single-Molecule Current-Voltage Characteristics, Trnsition Voltage Spectroscopy and Tunneling Barrier Hieght''
>Shaoyin Guo, et al.; '''J. Am. Chem. Soc.''' %%%133%%% 19189 (2011)

*** 11月21日(水)16:30~ 担当:小田 恵右 [#tc34766d]
> ''Biomolecular Recombination Coefficient as a Sensitive Testing Parameter for Low-Mobility Solar-Cell Materials''
>A. Pivrikas, et al.; '''PRL''' %%%94%%% 176806 (2005)

*** 11月14日(水)16:30~ 担当:Nguyen Thanh Luan [#tc34766d]
> ''Observation of long-range exciton diffusion in highly ordered organic semiconductors''
>H. Najafov, et al.; '''NATURE MATERIALS''' %%%9%%% 938 (2010)

*** 11月7日(水)16:30~ 担当:山本 紘平 [#tc34766d]
> ''Direct evaluation of low-field mobility and access resistance in pentacene field-effect transistors''
>Yang Xu, et al.; '''J. Appl. Phys.''' %%%107%%% 114507 (2010)

*** 10月31日(水)16:30~ 担当:江澤 拓 [#tc34766d]
> ''Material challenge for flexible organic devices''
>Jay Lewis; '''materialstoday''' %%%9%%% 4 (2006)

*** 10月24日(水)16:30~ 担当:山本 真人 [#y6d9f52a]
> ''Computational Investigation of DNA Detection Using Single-Electron Transistor-Based Nanopore''
>Yan-Dong Guo, et al.; '''J. Phys. Chem. C''' %%%116%%% 21609 (2012)

*** 10月10日(水)16:30~ 担当:金城 拓海 [#tc34766d]
> ''Atomic force microscopy baed, multiphoton, photoelectron emission imaging''
>E. Spanakis, et al.; '''Appl. Phys. Lett.''' %%%89%%% 013110 (2006)
>''Nanoscale Chemical Imaging by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Assised by Synchrotron Radiation
>Taichi Okuda, et al.; '''PRL''' %%%102%%% 105503 (2009)

*** 10月3日(水)16:30~ 担当:町田 真一 [#tc34766d]
> ''Exciton Dynamics at CuPc/C60 Interfaces: Energy Dependence of Exciton Dissociation''
>G. J. Dutton, et al.; '''J. Phys. Chem. C''' %%%116%%% 19173(2012)

*** 7月18日(水)18:00~ 担当:金城 拓海 [#tc34766d]
> ''Structural Phase Contrast in Polycrystalline Organic Semiconductor Films Observed by Broadband Near-Field Optical Spectroscopy''
>Robert Pomraenke, '''et al.''';Nano Lett %%%7%%% 4-998(2007)

*** 7月11日(水)18:00~ 担当:山本 真人 [#tc34766d]
> ''Logic Operations of Chemically Assembled Single-Electron Transistor''
>Kosuke Maeda, '''et al.''';ACS NANO %%%6%%% 3-2798(2012)

*** 7月4日(水)18:00~ 担当:田中 有弥 [#tc34766d]
> ''Determination of Quasi-Fermi Levels across Illumminated Organic Donor/Acceptor Heterojunctions by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy''
>David J. Ellison, '''et al.''';J. Am Chem. Soc %%%133%%% 13802 (2011)

*** 6月27日(水)18:00~ 担当:山本 真之 [#tc34766d]
> ''Growth of an Ordered Crystalline Organic Heterojunction''
>Richard R. Lunt, '''et al.''';Adv. Mater %%%19%%% 4229 (2007)

*** 6月20日(水)18:00~ 担当:山本 絋平 [#tc34766d]
> ''Observation of electron behavior in ambipolar polymer-based light-emitting transistor by optical second harmonic generation''
>Yuki Ohshima, '''et al.''';J. Appl. Phys %%%110%%% 013715 (2011)

*** 6月6日(水)18:00~ 担当:野勢 大輔 [#tc34766d]
> ''Transition from Direct Tunneling to Field Emission in Metal-Molecule-Metal Junctions''
>Jeremy M. Beebe, '''et al.''';PRL %%%97%%% 026801 (2006)

*** 5月30日(水)18:00~ 担当:古保 真教 [#tc34766d]
> ''Electronluminescence from a Single-Nanocrystal Transistor''
>Mark S. Gudiksen, '''et al.''';Nano Lett %%%5%%% 11 (2005)

*** 5月23日(水)18:00~ 担当:江澤 拓 [#tc34766d]
> ''Charge Transport in Proteins Probed by Resonant Photoemission''
>D. V. Vyalikh, '''et al.''';PRL %%%102%%% 098101 (2009)

*** 5月16日(水)18:00~ 担当:小田 恵右 [#tc34766d]
> ''Carrier Recombination in Orthorhombic Sulphur''
>F. K. Dolezalek and W. E. Spear;J. Phys. Chem. Solids %%%36%%% 819-825 (1975)

*** 5月9日(水)18:00~ 担当:イム ヒョンス [#ab797c9e]
> ''Orientation of emissive dipoles in OLEDs:Quantitative '''in situ''' analysis''
>Michael Flämmich, '''et al.''';Organic Electronics %%%11%%% 1039-1046 (2010)

*** 5月2日(水)16:30~ 担当:宮内 拓也 [#a3c91ff0]
> ''Hybrid organic-inorganic liquid bistable memory devices''
>J. C. Ribierre, '''et al.''';Organic Electronics %%%12%%% 1800-1805 (2011)

*** 4月25日(水)18:00~ 担当:佐藤 友哉 [#od5de2ce]
> ''The Mosaic Surface Charge in Contact Electrification''
>H. T. Baytekin, '''et al.''';Science %%%333%%% 308-312 (2011)

*** 4月18日(水)17:00~ 担当:大澤 佑介 [#s7704108]
> ''Horizontal Orientation of Disk-like Hole Transport Molecules and Their Application for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Requiring a Lower Driving Voltage''
>Jun Y. Kim, '''et al.''';J. Phys. Chem. C

*** 4月11日(水)16:30~ 担当:浦上 裕希 [#e37f032b]
> ''Electronic Structure and Geminate Pair Energetics at Organic-Organic Interfaces: The Case of Pentacene/C60 Heterojunctions''
>Stijn Verlaak, '''et al.''';Adv. Funct. Mater.  %%%19%%% 3809-3814 (2009)

** 2011年 [#sd2c5616]

*** 2月22日(水)16時 担当:山本 真人[#o036003d]
> ''Optical Modulation of Molecular Conductance''
>Shreya Battacharrya, '''et al.''';nano lette..  %%%11%%% 2706 (2011)

*** 1月25日(水)16時 担当:田中 有弥[#o036003d]
> ''Spatial control of the recombination zone in an ambipolar light-emitting organic''
>Jane Zaumseil, '''et al.''';nature materials.  %%%5%%% (2006)

*** 12月28日(水)16時 担当:宮崎 行正[#o036003d]
> ''Exciplex Formations at the HTL\Alq3 Interface in an Organic Light-Emitting Diode:Lnfluence of the Electron-Hole Recombination Zone and Electric Field''
>Naoki Matsumoto, '''et al.''';J. Phys. Chem.  %%%114%%%  4652 (2010)

*** 12月14日(水)16時 担当:内藤 亮生[#o036003d]
> ''Band Bending in Conjugated Polymer Layers''
>Ilja lange, '''et al.''';Phys. Rev. Lette.  %%%106%%%  216402 (2011)

*** 12月7日(水)16時 担当:キム ヒョンジュン[#o036003d]
> ''Role of chemical reactions of arylamine hole transport materials in operational degradation of organic light-emitting diodes''
> Denis Y. Kondakov , '''et al.''';J. appl. phys.  %%%104%%%  084520 (2008)

*** 10月26日(水)16時 担当:宮内 拓也[#o036003d]
> ''Photoemission of Holes from Metals into Anthracene''
> R. Williams , '''et al.''';J. Chem. Phys.  %%%46%%%  6 (1967)

*** 10月12日(水)16時 担当:浦上 裕希[#o036003d]
> ''Organic-Organic Heteroepitaxy of Semiconductor Crystals:a-Quatethiophene on Rubrene''
> M. Campione , '''et al.''';Chem. Mater. %%%21%%%  4859-4867 (2009)

*** 10月5日(水)16時 担当:大澤 祐介[#o036003d]
> ''Orientation-dependent ionization energies and interface dipoles in orderd molecular assemblies''
> S. duhm , '''et al.'''; nature materials %%%7%%%  4 326-332 2008

*** 7月6日(水)16時 担当:佐藤 友哉[#o036003d] [#me7b4403]
> ''Photoelectric Emission and Contact Charging of Some Synthetic High Polymers''
> Y. Murata,'''et al.''',  Jap. J. Appl. Phys.  %%%18%%%  2 1979
> ''Contact Charging and Photoemission of Anthracene Single Clystal''
> Y. Murata,  Jap. J. Appl. Phys.  %%%18%%%  1 1979

*** 6月15日(水)16時 担当:山下 剛[#o036003d]
> ''Concerted Emission and Local Potentiometry of Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells''
> Deanna Rodovsky , '''et al.'''; acs nano %%%4%%%  5 2673 2010

*** 5月11日(水)16時 担当:Md. Mijanur Rahman[#o036003d]
> ''Carrier Mobility of organic semiconductors based on current-voltage characteristice''
> Z. B. Wang, '''et al.'''; J. Appl. Phys. %%%107%%%  034506 2010

*** 4月27日(水)16時 担当:山田 太紀[#o036003d]
> ''Surface Potential Mapping of SAM-Ffunctionalized Organic Semiconductors by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy''
> David J. Ellison , '''et al.'''; Adv. Mater.. B %%%23%%%  502 2011

*** 4月20日(水)16時 担当:田中 有弥[#o036003d]
> ''Transient photoconductivity in polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells: Competition between sweep-out andd recombination''
> Sarah R. Cowan , '''et al.'''; Phys. Rev. B %%%83%%%  035205-1 2011

*** 4月13日(水)16時 担当:町田 真一 [#o036003d]
> ''Reversible Bound Formation in a Gold-Atom-Organic-Molecule Complex as a molecular Switch''
> Fabian Moha , '''et al.'''; Phys. Rev. Lett. %%%105%%%  266102-41 2010

*** 2月02日(水)16時 担当:Md. Mijanur Rahman [#o036003d]
> ''Molecular Semiconductors in Organic Photovoltaic Cells''
> Alexander W, Hains , '''et al.'''; Chem. Rev.. %%%xx%%%  xxxx xxxx

*** 1月19日(水)16時 担当:田村 駿光 [#o036003d]
> ''Studied of degradation mechanism of organic light-emitting diodes based on tris(8-quinolinolate9 aluminum Alq and 2-tert-butyl-9,10,-di(2-naphthyl)anthracene TBADN''
> Viktor V. Jarikov , '''et al.'''; J. App. Phys. %%%105%%%  034905-1 2009

*** 1月12日(水)16時 担当:山下 剛 [#o036003d]
> ''Improvement of Electroluminecence Performance of Organic Lighrt Emitting Diodes with a Liquid Emitting Layer by Introduction of Electrolyte and a Hole-bloking layer''
> Shuzo Hirata , '''et al.'''; adv. mater %%%5%%%  1 2011

** 2010年 [#d37ccc28]

*** 12月15日(水)16時 担当:山本 真人 [#o036003d]
> ''Simultamepus Deposition of Metallic Bundles of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Using Ac-dielectrophoresis''
> R. Krupke , '''et al.'''; NANO LETTERS , %%%3%%%  1019-1023 2003

*** 12月01日(水)16時 担当:宮崎 行正 [#o036003d]
> ''Singel carrier deviced with electrical deped layers for the characterization of charge-carrier transport in organic thin-films''
> Matthias Cchober , '''et al.'''; App. Phys. Lett. , %%%97%%%  013303-1 2010

*** 11月24日(水)16時 担当:山田 太紀 [#o036003d]
> ''Ion Gel-gated Polymer Thin-Film Transistors:Operating Mechanism and Charactarization of Gate Dilect Capatitance, Switing Speed, and Stability''
> Jiyoul Lee , '''et al.'''; J. Phys. Chemi. C , %%%113%%%  8972-8981 2009

*** 10月27日(水)16時 担当:小川 尚紀 [#o036003d]
> ''Electron transport in rubrene single-crystal transistors''
> Satria Zulkarnaen Bisri , '''et al.'''; APPLYDE PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%96%%%  183304 2010

*** 10月13日(水)16時 担当:田中 有弥 [#o036003d]
> ''Interface trap level in top-contact pentacene thin-film transistors evaluated by displacement current measurement''
> S. Suzuki , '''et al.'''; Organic Electronics , %%%11%%% (2010) 594-598

*** 10月6日(水)16時 担当:町田 真一 [#o036003d]
> ''Charge Transport in Organic Crystals: Role of Disorder and Topological Connectivity''
> T. Vehoff , '''et al.'''; J. AM. CHEM. SOC. , %%%132%%% (2010) 11702-11708

*** 7月14日(水)16時 担当:田村 駿光 [#o036003d]
> ''Deep-Level Optical Spectroscopy Investigation of Degradation Phenomena inTris(8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminum-Based Organic Light-Emitting Diodes''
> Y. Nakano'''; Applied Physics Express , %%%2%%% (2009) 092103

*** 6月23日(水)16時 担当:山下 剛 [#o036003d]
> ''Organic light-emitting diode with liquid emitting layer''
> D. Xu and C. Adachi , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%95%%% (2009) 053304

*** 6月16日(水)16時 担当:山本 真人 [#o036003d]
> ''Controlled fabrication of nanogaps in ambient environment for molecular electronics''
> Strachan , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%86%%% (2005) 043109

*** 6月9日(水)16時 担当:金城 拓海 [#o036003d]
> ''Surface morphologies of anthracene single crystals grown from vapor phase''
> S. jo , '''et al.'''; Applied Surface Science , %%%252%%% (2006) 3514-3519

*** 6月2日(水)16時 担当:小川 尚記 [#o036003d]
> ''Nucleation on the substrate surfaces during liquid flux-mediated vacuum deposition of rubrene''
> t. Shimada , '''et al.'''; Journal of Crystal Growth , %%%311%%% (2008) 163-166

*** 5月19日(水)16時 担当:山田 太紀 [#o036003d]
> ''Comparison of the Mobility-Carrier Density Relation in Polymer and Single-Crystal Organic Transistors Employing Vacuum and Liquid Gate Dielectrics''
> C. D. Frisbie ,  '''et al.'''; ADVANCED MATERIALS , %%%21%%% (2009) 2174-2179

*** 5月10日(水)16時 担当:宮崎 行正 [#o036003d]
> ''Investigation of defects in organic semiconductors by change based Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (Q-DLTS)''
> T. P. Nguyen , '''et al.'''; Phys. Status Solidi C , %%%6%%% (2009) No. 8

*** 4月28日(水)16時 担当:町田 真一 [#o036003d]
> ''Sub-Å Resolution Electron Density Analysis of the Surface of Organic Rubrene Crystals''
> Y ,Wakabayashi '''et al.'''; PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS , %%%104%%% 066103(2010) 

*** 4月14日(水)16時 担当:田中 有弥 [#o036003d]
> ''Simultaneous Measurements of Drain-source Current and Carrier Injection Properties of Top-Contact Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors''
> Y. Majima , '''et al.'''; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics , %%%46%%% (2007) No. 1

*** 1月6日(水)16時 担当:小川 尚記 [#o036003d]
> ''Time-of-Fright Measurement of Lateral Carrier Mobility in Organic Thin Films''
> M. Kitamura , '''et al.'''; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics , %%%43%%% (2004) No. 4B 

** 2009年 [#s91bdce5]

*** 12月16日(水)16時 担当:山田 太紀 [#o036003d]
> ''High-performance organic field-effect transistors with binary ionic liquids''
> S. Ono , '''et al.'''; Organic Electronics , %%%10%%% (2009) 1579-1582 

*** 12月9日(水)16時 担当:上田 篤史 [#o036003d]
> ''Modeling Disorder in the Crystal Structure of the α Polymorph of Alq3''
> M. Rajeswaran , '''et al.'''; Chemical Crystallography , (2009) 1-6 

*** 11月25日(水)16時 担当:宮崎 行正 [#o036003d]
> ''Correlation of lifetime and recombination zone in green phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes''
> K.S. Yook , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%94%%% (2009) 093501 

*** 11月11日(水)16時 担当:小川 尚記 [#o036003d]
> ''Non-destructive probing of the anisotropy of field-effect mobility in the rubrene single crystal''
> M.-M. Ling , '''et al.'''; Synthetic Metals , %%%157%%% (2007) 257-260 

*** 11月4日(水)16時 担当:李 功偉 [#o036003d]
> ''Charge trapping in organic transistor memories:On the role of electrons and holes''
> M. Debucquoy , '''et al.'''; Organic Electronics , %%%10%%% (2009) 1252-1258 

*** 10月7日(水)16時 担当:田中 有弥 [#o036003d]
> ''Hole trap related hysteresis in pentacene field-effect transistors''
> C. Ucurum , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS , %%%104%%% (2008) 084501 

*** 7月29日(水)16時 担当:町田 真一 [#o036003d]
> ''Determination of spin injection and transport in a ferromagnet/organic semiconductor heterojunction by two-photon photoemission''
> M. Cinchetti , '''et al.'''; nature materials , %%%8%%% (2009) 115 

*** 7月16日(水)16時 担当:舟越 亮博 [#o036003d]
> ''High-Performance Organic Single-Crystal Transistors on Flexible Substrates''
> A. Briseno , '''et al.'''; Advanced materials , %%%18%%% (2006) 2320 

*** 7月1日(水)16時 担当:山田 太紀 [#o036003d]
> ''A comparative study of organic single-crystal transistors gated with various ionic-liquid electrolytes''
> S. Ono , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%94%%% (2009) 063301 

*** 6月24日(水)16時 担当:宮崎 行正 [#o036003d]
> ''Photoinduced reduction and pattern preservation of giant surface potential on tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminum(?? thin films''
> K. Ozaka , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%93%%% (2008) 263304 

*** 6月10日(水)16時 担当:久保 卓也 [#o036003d]
> ''Organic Field-Effect Transistors''
> G. Horowitz , '''et al.'''; Advanced materials , %%%10%%% (1998) No.5. 

*** 6月3日(水)16時 担当:李 功偉 [#o036003d]
> ''Organic Non-Volatile Memory Based on Pentacene Field-Effect Transistors Using a Polymeric Gate Electret''
> K-J Baeg , '''et al.'''; Advanced materials , %%%18%%% (2006) 3179-3183. 

*** 5月20日(水)16時 担当:小川 尚記 [#o036003d]
> ''Analysis of time-of-flight transient photocurrent in organic semiconductors with coplanar-blocking-electrodes configuration''
> T. Yoshikawa , '''et al.'''; Thin Solid Films , %%%516%%% (2008) 2595-2599. 

*** 4月22日(水)16時 担当:田中 有弥 [#o036003d]
> ''Charge injection process in organic field-effect transistors''
> T. Minari , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%91%%% (2007) 053508. 

*** 1月22日(木)13時 担当:町田 真一 [#o036003d]
> ''Band alignment at metal/organic and metal/oxide/organic interfaces''
> M. G. Helander , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%93%%% (2008) 193310. 

*** 1月15日(木)13時 担当:舟越 亮博 [#o036003d]
> ''Electronic functionalization of solid-to-liquid interfaces between organic semiconductors and ionic liquids:Realization of very high performance organic single-crystal transistors''
> T. Uemura , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%93%%% (2008) 263305. 

** 2008年 [#d9e5b5af]


*** 12月11日(木)14時 担当:宮崎 行正 [#o036003d]
> ''Trap levels in tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum studied by deep-level optical spectroscopy''
> Yoshitaka Nakano , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , %%%88%%% (2006) 252104. 

*** 11月13日(木)13時 担当:小川 尚記 [#o036003d]
> ''Bulk electrical properties of rubrene single crystals:Measurements and analysis''
> D.Braga , '''et al.'''; PHYSICAL REVIEW B , %%%77%%% (2008) 115205. 

*** 11月6日(木)13時 担当:李 功偉 [#o036003d]
> ''Electrical Bistability of Organic Thin-Film Device Using Ag Electrode''
> Masaya TERAI , '''et al.'''; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics , %%%45%%% (2006) No.4B pp.3754-3757. 

*** 10月16日(木)13時 担当:田中 有弥 [#o036003d]
> ''Impedance spectroscopy on organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells''
> M. Glatthaar* , '''et al.'''; phys. stat. sol. , %%%11%%% (2005) R125–R127. 

*** 10月2日(木)13時 担当:町田 真一 [#o036003d]
> ''Large impurity effects in rubrene crystals :First-principles calculations''
> L. Tsetseris , '''et al.'''; PHYSICAL REVIEW B , %%%78%%% (2008) 115205. 

*** 7月28日(木)13時 担当:舟越 亮博 [#o036003d]
> ''Patterning organic single-crystal transistor arrays''
> Alejandro L.Briseno , '''et al.'''; Nature  , %%%14%%% (2006) 444. 

*** 7月10日(木)13時 担当:佐藤 直樹 [#o036003d]
> ''Effects of process parameters on trap distributions in organic semiconductors''
> A. Hepp , '''et al.'''; Synthetic Metals , %%%138%%% (2003) 201-207. 

*** 6月26日(木)13時 担当:宮崎 行正 [#o036003d]
> ''Carrier Injection Characteristics  of Organic Electroluminescent Devices''
> Shun EGUSA , '''et al.'''; Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.   , %%%33%%% (1994) 2741-2745. 

*** 6月19日(木)13時 担当:久保 卓也 [#o036003d]
> ''Formation of the Interfacial Dipole at Organic-Organic Interfaces:C60/Polymer Interfaces''
> Wojciech Osikowicz , '''et al.'''; ADVANCED MATERIALS, %%%19%%% (2007) 4213-4217. 

*** 6月5日(木)13時 担当:小川 尚記 [#o036003d]
> ''Physical vapor growth of organic semiconductors''
> R.A.Laudise , '''et al.'''; Crystal Growth, %%%187%%% (1998) 449-454. 

*** 5月29日(木)13時 担当:田中 有弥 [#o036003d]
> ''Potential barriers to electron carriers in C60 field-effect transistors''
> Atsushi Konishi , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, %%%92%%% (2008) 173302. 

*** 5月8日(木)13時 担当:佐藤 直樹 [#o036003d]
> ''Electroluminescence of organic light-emitting diodes with an ultra-thin layer of dopant''
> Weizhi Li , '''et al.'''; Materials Science and Engineering B , %%%149%%% (2008) 77. 

*** 5月1日(木)13時 担当:舟越 亮博 [#o036003d]
> ''Space charge limited transport and time of flight measurements in tetracene single crystals:A comparative study''
>R.W.I.de Boer , '''et al.'''; JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS , %%%95%%% (2004) 3. 

*** 4月24日(木)13時 担当:田中 有弥 [#o036003d]
> ''Two-step exciton dissociation in poly(3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene heterojunctions''
> Matthew T. Lloyd , '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  , %%%92%%% (2008) 143308. 

*** 4月10日(木)13時 担当:町田 真一 [#o036003d]
> ''Quantitative analysis of electronic transport through weakly coupled metal/organic interfaces''
> A.S.Molinari, '''et al.'''; APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, %%%92%%% (2008) 133303. 

*** 3月13日(木)13時 担当:舟越 亮博 [#o036003d]
> ''High Current Density in Light-Emitting Transistors of Organic Single Crystals''
> Taishi  Takenobu , '''et al.'''; PHYSICAL  REVIEW  LETTERS  , %%%100%%% (2008) 066601. 

*** 3月6日(木)13時 担当:佐藤 直樹 [#o036003d]
> ''Spatial control of the recombination zone in an ambipolar light-emitting organic transistor''
> Jana Zaumseil , '''et al.'''; Nature materials, %%%5%%% (2006) 69. 

*** 2月28日(木)13時 担当:田中 有弥 [#o036003d]
> ''Depletion layer studies in organic films: Low frequency capacitance measurements in polycrystalline tetracene''
> Allen J. Twarowski , '''et al.'''; Journal of chemical Physics, %%%70%%% (1979) 05. 

*** 2月21日(木)13時 担当:町田 真一 [#o036003d]
> ''Role of synthesis for oxygen defect  incorporation in crystalline rubrene''
> Oleg Mitrofanov, '''et al.'''; Journal of Applied Physics, %%%91%%% (2007) 212106. 

*** 1月10日(木)13時 担当:舟越 亮博 [#o036003d]
> ''Thermal and Morphological Effects on the Hydrolytic Stability of Aluminum Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) (Alq3)''
> Keith A. Higginson, '''et al.'''; Chem.Mater, %%%10%%% (1998) 1017-1020. 

** 2007年 [#ja6d4176]

*** 12月20日(木)13時 担当:佐藤 直樹 [#o036003d]
> ''Degradation mechanisms in organic light-emitting devices : Metal migration model versus unstable tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum cationic model''
> Yichun Luo, '''et al.'''; Journal of Applied Physics, %%%101%%% (2007) 034510. 

*** 11月29日(木)13時 担当:田中 有弥 [#f1ed7af3]
> ''Photocarrier generation in organic thin-film solar cells with an organic heterojunction''
> T. Osasa, '''et al.'''; Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, %%%90%%% (2006) 1519–1526. 

*** 11月22日(木)13時 担当:町田 真一 [#c81f9da9]
> ''Conformation degree and molecular orientation in rubrene film by in situ Xray absorption spectroscopy''
> L. Wang, '''et al.'''; Journal of Applied Physics, %%%102%%% (2007) 063504. 

*** 11月8日(木)13時 担当:舟越 亮博 [#m7857eae]
> ''Bulk crystals of tetracene grown by the vapor-Bridgeman technique''
> J. Niemax and J. Pflaum; Applied Physics Letters, %%%87%%% (2005) 241921. 

*** 11月5日(月)17時 担当:佐藤 直樹 [#j1e84698]
> ''High-efficiency tandem organic light-emitting diodes''
> L. S. Liao, '''et al.'''; Applied Physics Letters, %%%84%%% (2004) 167-169. 

*** 10月29日(月)17時 担当:田中 有弥 [#nd998434]
> ''Influence of codeposition on the performance of CuPc-C60 heterojunction photovoltaic devices''
> P. Sullivan, '''et al.'''; Applied Physics Letters, %%%84%%% (2004) 1210-1212. 

*** 10月18日(木)13時 担当:野口 裕 [#s799ee3c]
> ''Growth and Electronic Transport in 9,10-Diphenylanthracene Single Crystals -- An Organic Semiconductor of High Electron an Hole Mobility''
> A. K. Kumar, '''et al.'''; Advanced Materials, %%%19%%% (2007) 2097-2101. 
> ''Electronic properties of organic semiconductor blends: Ambipolar mixtures of phthalocyanine and fullerene''
> A. Opitz, '''et al.'''; Applied Physics Letters, %%%90%%% (2007) 212112. 

*** 10月4日(木)13時 担当:町田 真一 [#hb61bf85]
> ''Photoemission study of the electronic properties of in situ prepared copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) thin films exposed to oxygen and hydrogen''
> J. Szuber and L. Grzadziel; Thin Solid Films, %%%391%%% (2001) 282-287. 

*** 9月27日(木)13時 担当:舟越 亮博 [#vf2e3dda]
> ''Growth of high quality anthracene crystals by a simple solution technique''
> G. Madhurambal and P. A. Srinivasan; Crystal Research and Technology, %%%41%%% (2006) 231-235. 

*** 8月9日(木)13時 担当:中山 泰生 [#kaeafec1]
> ''Atomic-Scale Coupling of Photons to Single-Molecule Junctions''
> S. W. Wu, '''et al.'''; Science (AAAS), %%%312%%% (2006) 1362-1365. 

* テキスト輪講 [#y5bbccfe]

** 2013年 [#zc1169e5]
>> Nobuo Ueno, Satoshi Kera '''''"Electron spectroscopy of functional organic thin films: Deep insights into valence electronic structure in relation to charge transport property"''''' (Surface Science, 2008) [電子分光グループ]

>> 安達千波矢 '''''"有機半導体のデバイス物性"''''' (講談社, 2012) [デバイスグループ]

>> 砂川重信 '''''"理論電磁気学"''''' (紀伊国屋書店,2011) [単分子グループ]

>> 三好旦六ほか,'''''"ナノエレクトロニクスの基礎"''''' (培風館,2007) [単分子グループ]

>> M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang '''''"Quantum Computation and Quantum Information"''''' (Cambridge University Press, 2012) [野口助教,山本(真人),古保]

>> 原田勲,杉山忠男 '''''"量子力学Ⅰ"''''' (講談社,2011) [古保,Henrik(J-PAC留学生),土手]

>> J. J. Sakurai '''''"Modern Quantum Mechanics"''''' (Addison Wesley, 1994) [古保,黒田(Kruger研),土手]

>> 高橋 清 '''''"半導体工学"''''' (森北出版株式会社,2010) [イム,古保]

** 2012年 [#eabf1ac2]

>> M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, '''''"Quantum Computation and Quantum Information"''''' (Cambridge University Press, 2012) [野口助教,山本(真人),古保]

>>安達千波矢,'''''"有機半導体のデバイス物性"''''' (講談社,2012) [古保,野勢,小田,江澤,Henrik(J-PAC留学生)]

>> 原田勲,杉山忠男,'''''"量子力学Ⅰ"''''' (講談社,2011) [古保,Henrik(J-PAC留学生)]

** 2008年 [#l7e99d2a]

>> M. Schwoerer and H. C. Wolf, '''''"Organic Molecular Solids"''''' (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007) [研究室全体]

>> M. Pope and C. E. Swenberg, ''"Photoemission from organic molecular crystals"'' from '''"Electronic Processes in Organic Crystals and Polymers"''' 2nd. ed. (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999) [電子分光グループ]

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